00 Introduction

00 Introduction

JavaScript Game Development

What to expect and work environment

I will assume that people that read this tutorial have at least the basics of JavaScript. If you are new to JavaScript, I suggest reviewing or waiting until you reach these topics: functions, classes, objects, loops, and conditionals. I will not be going over them, maybe just briefly, unless it has to do with the topic.

Work Environment

You generally need an IDE for ease of coding (plain text editors work fine as well, but IDE make the job easier). I use Visual Studio Code but you can use any IDE you prefer.

Other IDE:

What actual game developer may use

For any game, assets are essential things that make a game a game. Designers and developers use all kinds of tools to create awesome images and audios for games. Here are some of the best image and audio editors for games that are simple to use.

For image editing:

For audio editing:

My file structure is as follows:


You can use your own file structures, but by making a good file tree structure, it will be cleaner and help you if the project gets bigger.

Next Chapter

In the next chapter, we will discuss the graphics plane, and we can start drawing on the canvas! Thank you, and I'll see you later.